The Be a Star! Campaign is our national campaign to raise funds for the grant profession. The Board is challenging all GPA members and chapters to join forces with us to enhance the GPA membership experience by strengthening non-profits and advancing the grant profession.
Each year since 2008, the Grant Professionals Foundation has relied upon the philanthropic and competitive spirit of GPA chapters and members to fund programs to advance the grants profession. Funds raised through the Be a Star! Campaign not only provide funds for scholarships, but also help GPA members and chapters to acknowledge, retain, and recruit their leaders and members.
The Be a Star! Campaign is a wonderful way for every GPA member and chapter to strengthen the grants profession. GPF Board of Directors encourages all GPA members and chapters to participate, at a level that makes sense to the local leadership. The Foundation relies upon the generosity of our donors to fund our varied projects and programs. Previous campaigns have funded GPC™ Scholarships, secured the funding to send scholarship recipients to GPA Annual Conferences, and supported the GPA’s Membership Scholarship program.
Chapters who raise the most money each year are rewarded with two complementary memberships to GPA. Second and third place chapters receive one complementary GPA membership to help build their chapter.
In 2024, 26 GPA chapters donated to GPF, collectively raising over $10,000. Congratulations to the 2024 chapter winners:
- 1st place: Southeast Texas Chapter
- 2nd place: St Louis Regional Chapter
- 3rd place: North Carolina Chapter
The 1st place chapter can select a prize of one of the following listed below at a value up to $350. 2nd and 3rd place chapters can select one of the following at a value up to $200.
GPF Be a Star! Prize Pool
- GPA Membership,
- GPA Virtual GrantSummit Scholarship,
- Honorarium for a speaker at your GPA Chapter event, or Lunch/Coffee provided by GPF.
For more information the Be a Star! Campaign and how your chapter can become the GPF Star Chapter, contact us at