GrantSummit Scholarship Reflection, by Julie Ann Ward
Gratitude and Growth: Lessons from GrantSummit 2024, by Julie Ann Ward, PhD
Attending GrantSummit 2024 in Denver, Colorado, was an incredible opportunity that enriched both my professional journey and personal growth. I am grateful to the Georgia State Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) for awarding me a $350 scholarship, which enabled me to attend this premier event in person. Without their generosity, this transformative experience might not have been possible.
As a GrantSummit participant, I had the privilege of immersing myself in three days of intensive learning and meaningful connections, and I left feeling inspired and better equipped to excel in my career.
Several workshops stood out to me and have already begun to influence my work. Two sessions on workforce development funding—“Explore the FY2025 Education & Workforce Development Funding Landscape” and “Winning with Workforce Development Proposals”—came at the perfect time as I was preparing a funding strategy for a new client focused on workforce development. These sessions provided not only concrete, key terms for searching but also invaluable resources for crafting competitive proposals. Another highlight was “Promoting the Grants Profession through Consulting Companies: 2 Models,” presented by Linda Beeman and Maura Harrington. Their insights have prompted me to reflect on the direction I want my career as a consultant to take, and have provided guidance and inspiration for the next steps in my journey.
Beyond the workshops, the conference provided a sense of community that is both rare and invigorating. Meeting fellow participants from my home state of Oklahoma was especially meaningful. Our Chapter President, Dana Schuler Drummond, thoughtfully organized gatherings that allowed us to connect and share our experiences. Candid discussions with my fellow attendees about pricing models and hiring assistants offered practical insights that I am eager to apply in my practice. Moreover, the warmth and generosity of everyone I encountered—from presenters to fellow attendees—made me feel truly supported and part of a larger, collaborative network.
The conference also reinforced the importance of community in our profession. From the hilarious morning music videos to the encouragement shared during sessions, I was reminded that while grant writing can sometimes feel isolating, we are not alone in this work. We are part of a dedicated community committed to making a difference, and that sense of solidarity was both uplifting and empowering.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Georgia State Chapter of GPA for their financial support, which made my attendance possible. I am also grateful to the conference organizers for curating such a dynamic and impactful event. Their efforts ensured that attendees like me came away with tools, connections, and motivation to advance our work.
Looking ahead, I am excited to apply the knowledge and skills I gained at GrantSummit 2024. In the immediate term, I will leverage the insights from the workforce development sessions to enhance funding strategies and proposal development for my clients. In the long term, I plan to cultivate the professional relationships I established, continuing to learn and grow alongside my peers in the grant writing field.
Attending GrantSummit 2024 was a career milestone that I will always cherish. It reaffirmed my commitment to the grant profession and inspired me to strive for greater impact through my work. Thank you for making this experience possible and for fostering a community that uplifts and empowers its members.