We had over 100 applications this time around. A huge thanks to our donors along with the GPF Scholarship Committee and other volunteers who helped score the applications. Congratulations to our 2018 GPA National Conference Scholars! They have each won a $525 early bird conference registration, and four won reimbursable travel/lodging expenses as well. Please help us congratulate them now and at #GPAConf18 in Chicago November 7-10, 2018.
Darcy Rendon-GPF Scholarship
Julie Boll-St. Louis Chapter Scholarship
Cassandra Brown-Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship
Katelyn Eichorst-St. Louis Chapter Scholarship
Michael Weinrauch-GPF Scholarship
Mike Belle-North Florida Chapter Scholarship
Elena Forbes-National Capital Area Scholarship
Alexa Ogburn-South Florida Chapter Scholarship
Gale Ingram-St. Louis Chapter Scholarship
Tammy Pierce-Chuck Howard Scholarship
River Wilson-GPF Scholarship
Tasha Majewski-GPF Scholarship
Briana Popek-Scholarship Alternate if any Scholarship Recipient cannot attend the conference
Katherine Lacksen Mahlberg-Peach State Scholarship
Laurie S. Anderson, GPC-Susan Kemp Scholarship
Julie Alsup-GPF Scholarship