Entries by Grant Professionals Foundation

GPA Conference Scholarship Reflection, by Katie Maurer

This past fall, I had the great honor of attending the Grant Professionals Association Conference in Louisville, KY. While this was my first time attending the conference, having been raised in Kentucky, it felt like returning home in several different ways. I love learning and being introduced to new concepts, it’s part of what I […]

2022 GPA Conference Experience, by Madison Shampine

While, I’ve had many years of experience in development, I began my grant writing career in December 2021. Shortly after my arrival, my predecessor and grants mentor decided it was time to retire. I stepped into the Grants Manager role mid-2022 and knew I wanted to absorb as much information as possible in order to […]

GPA Conference Scholarship Essay, by Dan Rubins

As the executive director of a small nonprofit in its second year as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the grant application and research process can often feel isolating and solitary.  So often in this work small nonprofit leaders long for the sense of community. In the grants process, especially, nonprofit leaders are often made to feel […]

GPA 2022 Conference Scholarship Essay, by LaTwan Roddey

Thanks to the donors of the Dr. Bev Brown and Dr. Bernard Turner African American Professional scholarship, this was my 2nd year attending the GPA conference. I tuned into the conference virtually which was as fulfilling as I imagine being in person would have been. I applaud the GPA team for creating such a streamlined […]

2022 GPA Conference Reflection, by Dana Frye

As I start my day with intention thinking about my plan, controlling what I can, and creating a do and don’t list, I am compelled to think about the magnitude of learning I experienced at the Grant Professionals Annual Conference in Louisville, KY.  The conference was my first for grants and I am so grateful for the […]

GPA Conference 2022 Scholar Essay by Terry Beigie

“Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences.”–Sylvia Plath I don’t think there’s a better quote that sums up my entire career—first in print journalism and now as a grants professional for a local government. I have deeply loved words and I have cursed words (using real curse words, ironically). After 25 […]

2022 GPA Conference Review, by Andrea Forsmo

“Ask and you shall receive.” The words my boss said after I took her advice about my GPF scholarship, and indeed, a theme that was central my experience at the GPA 2022 Annual Conference. In fact, attending the Annual Conference began with an ask. My scholarship application was an ask for support to grow professionally, […]