4 Ways for Grant Pros to Pay It Forward in 2015

Micki Vandeloo, GPC Lakeview Consulting, Inc.


September, 2015

It has been said, “It is better to give than to receive.” As grant professionals, we could make the case that we give back every day by helping organizations obtain financial support for their worthwhile efforts. However, I believe we are on this earth to give fully of ourselves, so I have been pondering other ways I can give back. I decided to focus my thoughts on giving back to the grants profession. I have received such vast knowledge and professional assistance from other grant professionals, as I know you have. Now, it’s time to “pay it forward”.

I know not all of us have vast resources to commit financially, so I want you to think about four ways that are simple and inexpensive ways to support our profession.

Give to the Grant Professionals Foundation

The Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) strengthens nonprofits and advances the grant profession by providing scholarships for the Grant Professionals Association’s (GPA’s) Annual Conference, GPA membership, and Grant Professionals Certification (GPC) exams. I am a proud member of the Foundation Board of Directors and have been amazed at the generosity of grant professionals from around the country. The Foundation wants to increase its financial support for grant pros – but to do so, we have to secure more financial support from compassionate people like you.

Now is a great time to give through the Giving Well, the GPF’s new monthly giving club. Simply go to the GPF website and enter the monthly amount you wish to contribute. You can donate at whatever level is comfortable for you, and the money is deducted automatically from your bank or credit card account. This is an excellent way to show your love for the profession!

Create a Scholarship in Someone’s Name

Is there a grant pro who has made a difference in your career or life but who has sadly passed on? There is no better way to honor the person’s memory than by creating a membership, GPC, or conference scholarship in his or her name. Examples of current honorary awards are the Chuck Howard Legacy Scholarship and Endowment Fund, the Susan Kemp GPA Conference Scholarship, and the Pam Van Pelt Memorial Scholarship.

To establish a scholarship in someone’s name, contact Kimberly Hays de Muga, GPF Board Chair, and provide details about the award you would like to create, including any

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application requireements. Thee GPF welcoomes the oppportunity to memorialize and hoonor the peopple who havve made a ddifference inn the lives oof grant proofessionals.

Donatee to the Sillent Auctiion

The GPAA National CConferencee is coming up soon! Itt will be helld from Novvember 11 through the 14 in SSt. Louis, Missouri! I amm excited, aas a local reesident andd member oof the St. Louiss Chapter, tto welcomee grant professionals frrom aroundd the world to one of thhe fun and tradition-ppacked citiees there is!

Every yeear, at the NNational Coonference, the Grant Prrofessionalls Foundati on organizees a Silent Auuction to beenefit the FFoundation’’s scholarshhip fund. It has gottenn bigger andd better evvery year, aand this yeaar will be noo exception. From tripps to jewelryy to handmade gifts, thiis year’s aucction promiises to offerr items thatt will help yyou Eat! Plaay! Live!

We are llooking for donations ffor the silennt auction. If you or soomeone youu know has a talent foor making aarts or craftss, a vacatio n property,, a special ttalent or skiills to sharee, or other ideeas for Silennt Auction items valueed at over $$100, pleasee visit our SSilent Auctiion donationn page to suubmit youritem description.

Volunteer at the GPA Natiional Conference

The National Confeerence would not succeed withouut hundredss of volunteeers. You caan work at the Silent AAuction, be a session hhost, or worrk at the Weelcome tablle or registrattion desk. ((Click on thhose links too sign up foor your voluunteer slot nnow!) Donaating your timme doesn’t ccost anythinng and is a ggreat way too network aand learn mmore about the conferennce and thee Grant Proffessionals AAssociationn.

I hope yyvantage of oone of thesee ways to giive back to others! Graant writing

ou take adv is a fulfillingg professionn full of gennerous, kindd, big-heartted people wwho deservve your timee and inveestment. WWe’re “makinng the worldd a better pplace, one ggrant at a timme”.

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