Entries by Grant Professionals Foundation

GPA 2021 Annual Conference Scholarship Essay by Cynthia Wasco

Receiving The Dr. Bev Browning/Dr. Bernard Turner African American Conference Scholarship from the Grant Professional Association Foundation to attend the 2021 Annual Conference (virtual), was an amazing experience! Without this scholarship, I would have not been able to attend due to cost. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with my fellow […]

GPA 2021 Annual Conference Scholarship Essay by Lauren Welch

Grant Professionals Foundation Scholar This was the first year I have attended the Grant Professionals Association conference and is also my first year as a GPA local and national member. I have attended several professional conferences in the past. I appreciated that there were options for people to go virtually and go in person. I […]

Introducing the 2021 GPA Conference Scholars

As part of our mission, the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) supports education that provides knowledge to grant professionals, advocacy that gives them greater access to funding and credentialing that establishes and promotes excellence in the field. Throughout the year, the GPF offers several scholarships that are open to all grant professionals. We are excited to […]

Congratulations to the GPF 2021 Spring Membership Scholars

As part of our mission, the GPF supports education that provides knowledge to grant professionals, advocacy that gives them greater access to funding and credentialing that establishes and promotes excellence in the field. To support our partner – the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) – and grant professionals nationwide, the GPF offers membership scholarships every spring […]

GPA 2020 Annual Conference Scholarship Essay, by Jenna Trisko

Grant Professionals Foundation Scholarship I was one of the very fortunate recipients of a scholarship to attend the 2020 virtual Grant Professionals Association Conference. This was my first experience taking part in this conference and actually my first ever experience attending a conference completely dedicated to all things grants. I have been in the grants […]

GPA 2020 Annual Conference Scholarship Essay, by Georgia Carvalho

New England Chapter Chuck Howard Scholarship Thanks to the scholarship I received from GPA, I was able to attend the Grant’s Professional Association’s Annual Conference in November 2020.  At a time when travel and professional development budgets were being cut, not only at my institution, I was extremely grateful for the opportunity I was granted. […]