2014 GPF Annual Report

The GPF board of directors are pleased to announce that the GPF…

Donate Silent Auction Items

Use our Online Form to Donate Silent Auction Items! The GPF’s…

2015 GPA Conference Scholarship Applications – Open!

The Grant Professionals Foundation recently opened the online…

Meet Us in St. Louis – 2015 Silent Auction

Advancing the careers of grant professionals is our passion.…

GPF Awards Open Member Scholarships

The GPF announced four open membership scholarships for 2015. We…

GPF Awards Regional Conference Sponsorships

GPF announced the winners of the first-ever regional conference…

I Heart Grant Professionals

        There are lots of ways to…

Learning by doing

Hélène Pereira da Silva Senior Fundraiser, MS International…

How Does Earning Your GPC Demonstrate Appreciation for Grant Professionals?

Charlisa Garg, GPC Principal Consultant, Middle Branch Consulting charli@middlebranchconsulting.com March,…

Grant Development: An International Perspective

  GPF Board Member, Becky Jascoviak, MBA Grant Writer,…