Every Chapter Challenge 2018: Talking Points

The 2018 Every Chapter Challenge is a nationwide campaign asking all GPA chapters to support the Grant Professionals Foundation Scholarship Program.
ECC campaign funds are used to award scholarships for:

• GPA National Conference
• GPCTM Credentialing Program
• GPA Membership
• Regional Conference Sponsorships

The ECC Challenge Goal is $250 or more for every GPA Chapter in 2018.

Shooting Star Club and Star Chapter

Chapters that give to the Every Chapter Challenge are honored as members of the Shooting Star Club.
Chapters compete for the distinction of becoming the 2018 Star Chapter by giving the most to the Every Chapter Challenge. The 2018 Star Chapter will be announced at the National Conference in Chicago.
The Star Chapter Challenge Gift Form is available online on the GPF website.

Individual member gifts, including Monthly Giving Well donations, can be applied to a local GPA Chapter for the Every Chapter Challenge.
Gifts can be credited to a named scholarship or given in honor/memory of someone.
Give safely and securely online on the GPF website grantprofessionalsfoundation.org.

Why Give to ECC

• Help grow the grant profession by encouraging GPA membership
• Provide the means for new grant professionals to improve their skills and knowledge
• Enhance the credibility of the grant profession by supporting GPC credentialing
• Support grant professionals who have limited resources to pursue professional development
• Make an impact on nonprofit organizations across the country that are able to do more and do it better because of the expertise of their grant professionals.

Contact Information
Susan Caldwell, ECC Co-Chair

Helen Arnold, GPF Treasurer

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