What the GPA is All About-Thanking the Miracle Makers
Lisa Sihvonen-Binder & Heather Stombaugh, GPC, CFRE
As we get ready for the 15th annual Grant Professionals Association conference, we can’t help but think of all the amazing people who support the grant profession every day. From the GPF’s donors, founders, and volunteers to the Grant Professionals Association staff, volunteers and members, each one of them strives to strengthen and support the jobs we do to make a difference in the world.
So, this month we’ve dedicated the Grant Expectations blog to thanking our miracle workers.
Thank you, Barb Boggs and Kelli Romero. Your tireless dedication helps build an amazing grant professionals conference where we can learn, share, network, have fun, and meet new friends. Your daily work keeps the GPA website up-to-date and chock-full of resources and information for more than 2,000 members. You field our questions, process our memberships, manage the GPA bookstore, and provide support to the GPA board of directors and volunteers. Your pleasant demeanors and positive attitudes make you both a joy to work with. Thank you for being YOU!
Thank you, Dr. Bev Browning. Your support of the GPF and your passion for the grant profession continues to inspire us all. Each year you challenge others to match your support of the Susan Kemp GPA Conference Scholarship Fund so new grant professionals have the chance to take part meaningful professional development at the GPA conference. Thank you for making newcomers feel welcome. Thank you for giving experienced pros fantastic advice. And thank you for being a model “professional” in all ways!
Thank you, to the anonymous major donor and Oregon/SW Washington Chapter of the GPA who established the Chuck Howard Legacy Scholarship and Endowment Fund in memory of Dr. Chuck L. Howard. Scholarships support registration and lodging at the national conference. Our donors – named and anonymous – are the backbone of our mission and the source of our greatest strength. Thank you for supporting grant professionals who can’t afford to attend the conference.
Thank you, to the Nevada Chapter of the GPA for establishing the Pam Vanpelt Memorial Scholarship to remember an active member and friend. Scholarships support GPA membership fees.
Thank you, to the scores of donors who give to the GPF every year to ensure grant p
ros have access to GPA membership, the national conference, and the GPC exam. Without you, there would be no Grant Professionals Foundation. Without you, 15 grant professionals wouldn’t be able to attend the conference this year. You, dear donors, make the GPA not just a professional membership organization but truly a community of supportive peers.Each year the number of scholars supported by the GPF grows, as does our donor base (see the chart below). We see already that 2015 is poised to be the best year ever, thanks to miracle workers like you.
Thank you for helping help us all change the world, one grant at a time.