ANNOUNCEMENT: Scholarship Recipients 2017

The Grant Professionals Foundation is delighted to announce the winners of the 2017 Scholarships.

  • Jane Arney – Georgia Peach Scholarship
  • Nancy Battersby – St. Louis Chapter Scholarship
  • Gabriele Beck – Greg Bair Memorial Scholarship
  • Jackie Beyer – Tracey Potter Doe Memorial Scholarship
  • Leanne Cardwell – Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship
  • Holly Craw – Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship
  • Konstandina Dulu – Becki Shawver Memorial Scholarship
  • Jana Gowan – Nora Stombaugh Memorial Scholarship
  • TJ Hansell – Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship
  • Eileen Harris – GPF Scholarship
  • Laura Horochowski – Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship (AZ Resident)
  • Fielding Jezreel – St. Louis Chapter Scholarship
  • Josh Martin – GPF Scholarship
  • Kristin Pazulski – GPF Scholarship
  • Lauren Petersen – Pamela Van Pelt Memorial Scholarship
  • Amy Shankland – Susan Kemp Memorial Scholarship
  • Shriya Sooya – GPF Scholarship
  • Wendy Strain – Chuck Howard Scholarship

Thank you donors and friends of GPF. Please share the wonderful news! If you know any of the recipients, Congratulate them on their achievement.

For more details. Contact us:

Every Chapter Challenge 2017







Every Chapter Challenge Initiative 2017 (ECC2017)

The Board of Directors of the Grant Professionals Foundation announces the kickoff of a 2017 fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $11,000 to support education and training for grant professionals. The Every Chapter Challenge supports national conference attendance, membership in the Grant Professionals Association (GPA), exam fees for the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) credential and sponsorships for GPA regional conferences.

The Foundation challenges each of GPA’s 50 local chapters to raise $250 for scholarships, and recognizes the highest performing chapter as its Star Chapter at the annual GPA National Conference, held this year in San Diego on November 8-11.

The Every Chapter Challenge is a national campaign to raise funds for the Grant Professionals Foundation. The “Challenge” is participation by 100% of GPA’s 50 local chapters located in 34 states. The Board is challenging all chapters to join forces to enhance the GPA membership experience by strengthening non-profits and advancing the grants profession. Proceeds from the Challenge will be used to provide enhanced professional development experiences through GPA membership scholarships and GPA Chapter dues support.

Participating GPA Chapters are eligible to be named as the Foundation’s Star Chapter by raising the most funds nationwide, and will be named to the Foundation’s Shooting Star Club by meeting or exceeding the 2017 donation goal established by the Foundation Board of Directors. The Star Chapter and Shooting Star Club chapters will be recognized at the GPA Annual Conference, on the Foundation’s website and in marketing materials such as the Foundation newsletter and annual report.

The Foundation has awarded national conference and credential exam scholarships to over 100 worthy recipients over the past nine years. Other Foundation projects include fundraising education, regional conference sponsorships and chapter capacity building. Visit us online for more information about the Grant Professionals Foundation, the scholarship program or to make a donation.

For Immediate Release Contact:

Kristi Crawford, Co-Chair

Susan Caldwell, Co-Chair

Need a reason to make a gift to support the grant profession?

Need a reason to make a gift to support the grant profession?

Here’s one that impacts you in a direct and personal way.


When most of us joined GPA, we weren’t thinking about advancing the profession. We were focused on our own development as grant writers by taking advantage of the many educational opportunities and benefits of networking with other grant writers.

But there’s another side to being part of GPA.

It gives us the ability to positively impact the entire profession by helping ensure that other grant writers are successful. In the end, we all benefit because the better we are at our jobs, the more the grant writing profession grows in credibility and stature.

I give to several nonprofits throughout the year but the gift I make every month to the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) is about me and my future.

I know those funds are being used to pay for GPA memberships, national conference scholarships and increasing the number of members who are Grant Professional Certified. Scholarships go to members who don’t have the financial means to become a member or take advantage of GPA educational and career advancement opportunities.

I benefit and GPA benefits because all these individuals will improve their skills and win more money for their nonprofits.

Please join me and other GPF donors and make a gift to support the GPF 2017 fundraising campaign. Make a one-time gift or spread it out over the entire year. Over the coming months and at the national conference, you will learn more about how your gift impacted the careers and lives of other grant writers.

Giving to support GPF scholarships is one way to influence how well all grant writers do their jobs and ultimately how our profession is perceived. Make a gift today!


Susan Caldwell, CFRE

GPF Board of Directors