GPF Silent Auction Online Bidding Opens 10/31/18

Get ready to bid, bid, bid! Our annual Silent Auction opens October 31,2018: Bid early and often. Treat yourself, get your holiday shopping done or score that great trip you’ve always wanted. See you at #GPAConf18 in Chicago at the Swissotel, and don’t forget about our Wine Cork Pull fundraiser also. Here are some of the great items up for bid.

  • Adele Sheet Music
  • Handmade Ugandan crafts from Obwaagazi Children’s Foundation
  • Starbucks gift cards
  • Chicago Bears Legend helmet
  • Signed Avengers movie poster
  • Bruce Springsteen electric guitar
  • Taylor Swift acoustic guitar
  • B. King autographed record album
  • Princess Leia Organa
  • Big Bang Theory cast 11×15 poster
  • Barack Obama 11×14 photo
  • Carinne gold drop earrings and pendant in abalone shell
  • Ultimate meditation and relaxation kit
  • Corky’s BBQ gift card
  • Boston skyline votive
  • Cajun and Creole cooking collection
  • Sowing the seeds of grant writing success basket
  • For serious coffee drinkers only gift assortment
  • SmarEGrants grant professionals course and community
  • Cooperstown bat collectible
  • Golf lessons and vacations
  • Ski and tropical vacation trips
  • New England, Italy, Las Vegas, California, Costa Rica, Canada trips
  • Office Feng Shui kit for grant pros

We Need Your Help! A Letter to the GPF Board and Grant Professionals

Due to an increased focus on Fundraising and the effects on our Marketing and ECC Committees, I am asking for volunteers to help staff these committees. Both will have a lot to do over the next year or two, and, the more resources they have, the better!

I have made a list of the desired skills sets each committee chair outlined. I am requesting that all of you consider volunteering for one of these committees. In addition, please send out this information to your network, as I would like for this to have as broad a reach as possible. GPF Committees are a great way to get involved in the Foundation without the commitment of a board seat. Committee meetings are usually held by conference call either monthly or bi-monthly for an hour.

The ECC Committee will be rebranding the current ECC program in the coming year and needs the following skills sets:

  • Marketing background
  • Calling people
  • Communications
  • Graphic Design person

If you or someone in your network wishes to volunteer of the ECC Committee, please email Kristi Crawford ( or Susan Caldwell (


The Marketing Committee is an integral part of the success of our fundraising plan and needs those with the following skill sets. In addition, we are looking for a Marketing Chair (or co-Chairs) starting in 2019:

  • Sticktoitiveness
  • Passion, time and willingness to regularly, consistently promote GPF through several social media platforms (including GrantChat) on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  • Ability to complete volunteer tasks independently and with little supervision
  • Experience with fundraising through social media
  • Experience creating scopes of work for vendors and marketing, business and/or social media plans
  • Good organizational/time management skills
  • Strong speaking and writing communication skills
  • Graphic design experience or willingness to learn (for ads, social media, website, etc)
  • Website design experience
  • Blog writing experience
  • Mail chimp experience

If you wish to volunteer for the Marketing Committee (or wish to chair or help chair that committee), please email Dr. Judy Riffle at

Thanks in advance for your willingness to help and to help promote these needs to a broad GPA audience!

Micki Vandeloo, GPC
Chair, Grant Professionals Foundation Board

The GPF Wine Cork Pull and Silent Auction are Back! See You in Chicago!

A fun event is happening for the second time at the 2018 GPA Annual Conference in Chicago from November 7-10. In addition to our regular Silent Auction (which is digital this year!), GPF will also hold a Cork Pull. A Cork Pull is a fun little mystery game involving wine. And what’s not to love about wine?

Guests attending the Welcome Reception will have the opportunity to ‘pick a cork’ for a donation of $20. The cork is assigned a number that corresponds to a matching mystery wine bottle for you to take home or enjoy in your room. The wine ranges in value from $10-$50 per bottle and has been generously donated by members of the GPF, GPA, and GPCI boards.

Don’t forget-you still have time to donate an item to our Silent Auction. Sign up here. Thank you for your support, and see you in Chicago!