Entries by Grant Professionals Foundation

Helping a Beginner Get Off to a Good Start!

By Jana Gowan – 2017 Nora Stombaugh Memorial Scholarship Thanks to a scholarship from the Grant Professionals Foundation, I was able to attend the annual Grant Professionals Association Conference in San Diego this year (November 2017). I accepted a position as a full-time grant writer at a public university in December 2016 with a beginner’s […]

International Grant Professionals Day 2018

PRESS RELEASE International Grant Professionals Day – March 9, 2018 Overland Park, KS: The Grant Professionals Association (GPA) announces the fourth annual International Grant Professionals Day to be held on March 9, 2018. International Grant Professionals Day increases awareness internationally of the work grant professionals perform as well as celebrates the work of grant professionals, […]

GPA Member Benefits are Endless

By DeaRonda Harrison Taking the leap and sharing with my peers to work with nonprofits I could see the stare and gaze of concern in their eyes. In 2013, I attended my first GPA conference where I had never even written 1 grant, yet. I wanted to make sure I was making the right decision. This […]

Conference Experience as a Scholarship Recipient

by Karen Watkins-Watts, GPC First, my sincere gratitude to the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) for the scholarship enabling me to attend the 18th Annual GPA National Conference in Atlanta in 2016! Defraying the cost of conference registration (and other travel expenses) made the 2016 conference possible for me. I had the privilege of attending several […]

Benefit of Attending Conferences In-Person

2017 Becki Shawver Memorial Scholarship by Konnie Dulu Upon award of the 2017 Becki Shawver Memorial Scholarship, I attended the 2017 GPA Annual Conference. This is the first grant professional conference I have ever been able to attend, and I would describe it as very well worth the trip. As a young professional who’s been […]

Most Useful and Pertinent Conference Ever

By Polly Bates; St Rose Dominican Health Foundation 2016 Pamela Van Pelt Conference Scholar Receiving the Pamela Van Pelt Scholarship last year allowed me to attend the Grant Professionals Association conference for the first time. After a 25-year career spent writing and editing a wide variety of communications, I found myself in a new position […]

Skeptical to Enlightened

By Matthew Fornoff; Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona 2016 Conference Scholar I don’t like to label myself as a grant writer. Until I took my current position just over two years ago, I had only assisted writing a couple grants. So of course, the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona (CFB) – an organization […]

No Wining About This Event!

A fun new event is happening at the 2017 GPA Annual Conference in San Diego from November 8-11. In addition to our regular Silent Auction (which will be digital this year!), GPF will also hold a Cork Pull. A Cork Pull is a fun little mystery game involving wine. And what’s not to love about […]

Privilege of Remembering Through Giving

By Lauren Daniels, GPC; Writing Services When I decided to enter the grant writing profession, the first thing I did was look for a group or association of colleagues. To me, being a professional meant linking to an association. I found a local group that in turn led me to the American Association of Grant […]