Tag Archive for: scholarships

Congratulations to the GPF 2021 Spring Membership Scholars

As part of our mission, the GPF supports education that provides knowledge to grant professionals, advocacy that gives them greater access to funding and credentialing that establishes and promotes excellence in the field. To support our partner – the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) – and grant professionals nationwide, the GPF offers membership scholarships every spring and fall.

We would like to congratulate the following scholars who received membership this spring:

Ashley Taylor – Scot & Tracy Scala Early Career Membership Scholarship
Rebecca Allen – GPF Membership Scholarship
Marta Maietta – GPF Membership Scholarship

If you would like to apply for future membership scholarships, which are open to all grant professionals, the fall application period will open on September 1, 2021. Read the Membership Scholarship Guidelines and apply online.

Fundraising during a pandemic: Combining passions and skills

In addition to being a grants professional, I’m also a qualified Pilates teacher and Certified Personal Trainer. At the start of the year, I never thought these two passions and communities could be combined. I never thought we’d experience a pandemic either! Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus, I used to spend my Saturday mornings teaching Pilates Reformer classes at a boutique studio in Austin, TX.

Pilates studio
Pilates Studio in Austin, TX

In March, when COVID-19 put everyone in lock-down and the stay-at-home order was put in place, I saw an opportunity to use my teaching skills for the benefit of the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) by offering weekly Pilates mat classes to clients and friends with fees being donated to directly support their mission: Strengthening Nonprofits – Advancing The Grant Profession.

This idea and approach could be seen as altruistic. In all honesty, my key motivation was maintenance: maintaining a connection with my Pilates community; maintaining health and fitness for us all; maintaining a routine and a sense of normality, especially when everything else seemed to be so disruptive and uncertain.

Not knowing how long we were likely to be in lock-down – thinking it could be a few weeks and then realizing it was more likely to be several months – I embraced Zoom and turned my Saturday morning classes into mat Pilates workouts. Most people who practice Pilates do so in a studio with specialized apparatus designed to help accelerate the process of stretching, strengthening, body alignment, and increased core strength started by the fundamental mat work. Joseph Pilates (yes, he was a real person) first developed his physical fitness system in the early 20th century. Calling it “Contrology,” his method focuses on the art of controlled movements, placing emphasis on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance.

My clients don’t own a $3000 Pilates Reformer (sadly, neither do I!) but everyone had a yoga mat, blanket, or towel they could use. They had time on their hands while at home and all wanted to connect with others – even through a computer screen. The kids and cats made it all the more fun!

Online Pilates
Online Pilates Mat Classes, via Zoom

Most people outside of the grants community are unfamiliar with the GPF. Perhaps even some grant professionals don’t realize the GPF was established in January 2006 to ensure resources are available to educate, credential, and assist grant professionals who secure the funding necessary for not-for-profits to serve the greater good. After receiving a GPF Scholarship last year to attend the 2019 GPA Annual Conference, I wanted to continue to engage with the GPF and support its cause – giving back as a way to show my appreciation for an amazing first-time experience at the GPA conference. I wrote a previous blog – as did other Scholars – about my experience.

GPF conference scholars 2019
GFP Conference Scholars 2019

Transitioning from in-person studio Pilates classes to at-home virtual classes was an ideal opportunity to talk to my Pilates clients about how the GPF provides scholarships to grant professionals and non-profit executives. All of my Pilates clients have been most generous; letting me into their homes and helping me raise money for the GPF. They keep showing up each week, with energy and focus as I say “Just one more time” into the microphone!

Now the GPF has just announced the scholarship recipients for the 2020 GPA Annual Conference – congratulations to all 12 Scholars  – I’m pleased to tell my Pilates clients how they’ve made a big difference and helped strengthen the grants profession and nonprofit community. I’m pleased to have raised a few dollars for the GPF and increased awareness of the work they do.

I know many grant professionals also have side hustles, pet projects, and hobbies that fill their time when they’re not being grant rock stars. The GPF often sees these hidden talents shine during its silent auction – their signature fundraising event – held at the GPA annual conference. While the GPA conference is a virtual event this year, the silent auction has always been online. Items for the silent auction are being accepted now and can be donated through the GPF website.

This pandemic certainly wasn’t on my 2020 “vision board” 😊, but I am glad to have had the chance to get creative and combine my passion and skills for the greater good. I hope others reading this blog will consider ways in which they can do the same.

By Victoria Threadgould – Grant Professional. GPF Board Member. Pilates Teacher.

Congratulations to the GPF 2020 Conference Scholars

As part of our mission, the GPF supports education that provides knowledge to grant professionals, advocacy that gives them greater access to funding and credentialing that establishes and promotes excellence in the field.

Throughout the year, the GPF offers several scholarships that are open to all grant professionals. We are excited to announce the latest scholarship recipients for the 2020 Grant Professionals Association (GPA) Annual Conference, which will take place virtually from November 4-6.

We would like to congratulate the following scholars who have been awarded full scholarships to attend the 2020 GPA Annual Conference Online:

  • Molly Peterson – Arizona Founding Chapter Jerry Dillehay Scholarship
  • Sara Wagner – Arizona Founding Chapter Jerry Dillehay Scholarship
  • Lynda Weigel-Firor – Arizona Southern Chapter Conference Scholarship
  • Jennifer Deering – Arkansas Chapter Conference Scholarship
  • Georgia Carvalho – New England Chapter Chuck Howard Scholarship
  • Mivsam Yekutiel – Oregon & SW Washington Chapter Michael Wells Scholarship
  • Anna Bilyeu – GPF Scholarship
  • Amy Luby – GPF Scholarship
  • Kara Peterson – GPF Scholarship
  • Alexandra Rudolph – GPF Scholarship
  • Jenna Trisko – GPF Scholarship
  • Bethany Watson – GPF Scholarship

Scholars will submit an essay about their attendance at the conference, its value to them as a grant professional, and the impact of the GPF scholarship. All scholar essays will be posted on the GPF blog soon after the 2020 GPA Annual Conference. 

Many thanks to all the GPA chapters and individuals who continue to donate to help these scholarships advance the grant profession.

If you would like to apply for future GPF scholarships, the fall application period for Membership Scholarships begins September 1, 2020. Read the Membership Scholarship Guidelines and apply online.

Congratulations to the GPF 2020 Membership Scholars

As part of our mission, the GPF supports education that provides knowledge to grant professionals, advocacy that gives them greater access to funding and credentialing that establishes and promotes excellence in the field. To support our partner – the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) – and grant professionals nationwide, the GPF offers membership scholarships every spring and fall.

We would like to congratulate the following scholars who received membership this spring:

Trish Bachman, DC Metro & Delmarva Chapter
Agnes Saint Preux, Florida South Chapter
Dane Sosniecki, Heart of America Chapter
Terri Vourganas, SE Texas Chapter
Seante Johnson, SE Texas, Chapter

If you would like to apply for future membership scholarships, which are open to all grant professionals, the fall application period begins September 1, 2020. Read the Membership Scholarship Guidelines and apply online.

“Dear Grant Professionals Foundation Board of Directors…”

Thank you

Dear Grant Professionals Foundation Board of Directors,

Thank you for the conference scholarship that allowed me to attend the GPA Annual Conference in Chicago. This opportunity to attend workshops, network with peers, and focus on my development within the grant profession would not have been possible without your generous support through the Peach State Scholarship. Thank you for making these opportunities available and for your dedication to young grant professionals.


Katherine Lacksen Mahlberg

#GPAConf16 & Silent Auction in Atlanta Nov. 9-12, 2016

Congratulations again to all those who won a scholarship from the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) to attend the national Grant Professionals Association (GPA) conference in Atlanta from Nov. 9-12, 2016! Here are some comments from our fabulous #GPAConf16 scholars who are so excited to learn from, network with, and have fun with their fellow grant pros from around the world. All these Scholars will be volunteering at our annual Silent Auction at the conference, so stop by, congratulate them, and bid on some fantastic items and trips: http://bit.ly/2dRpRds. See you soon!

Debra Burns (Waynesboro, VA), Susan Kemp Memorial Scholarship: “Attending the GPA Conference will help me become a stronger grant writer who helps strong programs build even stronger communities.”

Nancy Ellis (Oro Valley, AZ), Arizona Founding Chapter Scholarship: “The GPF scholarship will help expand my education, absorb new ideas and network with other grant professionals in Atlanta!”

Matthew Fornoff (Tucson, AZ), GPF Scholarship: “First GPA Conference. Pumped to meet, network, learn, and improve my grant writing. Couldn’t have done it without a GPF scholarship! Thanks!”

Linda Maddox (Atlanta, GA), Peach State Scholarship: “Looking forward to attending the conference for the first time and actually meeting others who do what I do, which until I joined GPA was a pretty big challenge.”

Liz Ratchford (Factoryville, PA), Susan Kemp Memorial Scholarship: “The Grant Professionals Foundation scholarship will allow me to attend my first-ever grant conference and expand my grant skills! I am so excited to be attending the Grant Professionals Association conference, after 18 years I get to attend my first-ever grant conference!”

Laura Scott (Fargo, ND), GPF Scholarship: “The networking and professional development opportunities at #GPAConf16 are essential for #grantpros – so grateful!”

Rachel Smoka-Richardson (Minneapolis, MN), GPF Scholarship: “So grateful for the scholarship to the annual GPA conference – looking forward to learning some advanced grant writing skills.”

Karen Watkins-Watts (Brockton, MA), Chuck Howard Memorial Scholarship: “The GPF scholarship has a tremendous impact for me – allowing me to attend the conference in a tight budget year for my school district.”

Lisa Yalkut (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), South FL Chapter Scholarship: “Feeling humbled and happy and looking forward to honing skills, helpful discussions, hanging with peers, and having a blast in Atlanta! #Grantchat

Are you a grant pro interested in applying for one of our scholarships in 2017? Find out more here: https://grantprofessionalsfoundation.org/. Many thanks to our compassionate donors and sponsors who make these scholarships possible.


Pajama Work: Don’t Give Up About Giving Back

By Kimberly Hays de Muga – Director of Development, Fraser Center

Board Chair, Grant Professionals Foundation


Oversized tees, sweatpants, tunics, sweatshirts, leggings, sweatpants—we’re in the throes of an increasingly comfort based, casually dressed society.  All hail “Athleisure!” Gone are the power suits, power ties, buttoned-up button downs, creases, and pleats from the 80s. (I was, of course a child prodigy in my non-profit career then, and could only observe these inexplicable fashions from afar :-))


Besides common sense and the joy of being comfortable, part of this trend comes from telecommuting.  According to the August 2015 Gallup’s annual Work and Education poll 37% of U.S. workers say they have telecommuted, up from 30% last decade but four times greater than the 9% found in 1995. Enormous strides in IT and telecommunications makes working from home so much easier and more efficient. Many employers seem willing to sanction working remotely, and most consultants often work from home.


So if working from home may work for many of us, why not consider volunteering from home?  Become a GPF Board Member or Committee Member and “tele-volunteer” your way to new friends, new skills while supporting the growth and recognition of the grants profession. And you can do your health a favor in the bargain. Researchers at the London School of Economics found the more people volunteered, the happier they were. According to a study in Social Science and Medicine, the odds of being “very happy” increased 12% for people who volunteer every two to four weeks compared to those who never volunteered. (http://www.health.harvard.edu/special-health-reports/simple-changes-big-rewards-a-practical-easy-guide-for-healthy-happy-living)


Don’t let your favorite loungewear keep you from stretching outside your comfort zone to take on a volunteer service role. As the Chair of the Grant Professionals Foundation, I’ve seen firsthand that the busiest GPA members often step up effortlessly when asked to take on a different role or committee task. How do they do it? Current GPF Scholarship Committee Member and former GPA Board Member Johna Rodgers said it best when she agreed to lead the management and distribution of GPA scholarship applications (https://grantprofessionalsfoundation.org/available-scholarships/).  “I need work I can do in my pajamas, on the weekend,” said the super-busy consultant and long-time GPA/GPCI board member and volunteer.


The GPF Board meets face to face, once a year, during the GPA Annual Conference. Yet together we connect with GPA members and supporters like you to provide scholarships for regional conferences, membership, GPA annual conference registration and the Grant Professional Certified Exam (GPC). But while we’re all conference calling, emailing and texting in our PJs or tailored suits, we’re volunteering, networking, getting our names known and more importantly, helping to advance the grants profession. GPF Board and Committee service also earns points toward maintaining your GPC.


GPF Board Member terms begin in January and are for three years with the option to extend to a second term.  In my five and a half years on the GPF board, I’ve made some fantastic friends and learned so much from them. Leadership, the fine art of delegation, recruitment, administration and collaboration are just a few of the skills I’ve developed or honed while helping forward the grants profession. Maybe three years, even in pajamas, is more than you can commit to right now.  Consider service on one of GPF’s committees; meetings are online or by conference call.  Committees include:  Silent Auction, Scholarship, Marketing, Every Chapter Challenge and Individual Giving.  Contact info@grantprofessionalsfoundation.org for more information.


So get comfortable, and get ready to make a difference for the grants profession today!