Available Scholarships

PLEASE NOTE: We’re in the process of creating new application portals for all of our scholarships. This new process will make it easier for you to apply and for volunteers to select the most qualified Scholars. Look for an announcement about the scholarships soon in the GPA Grant News and GPF News!

The Grant Professionals Foundation offers three types of scholarships.



Please visit the links above to learn more about GPF scholarship offerings. We hope you’ll consider applying!


GPF Silent Auction Seeks Items and Volunteers

Please consider joining the GPF Silent Auction to help advance the careers of grant professionals.

GPF’s annual Silent Auction raises money that makes a difference for grant professionals nationwide. Last year, lucky auction winners went home with One-Day Disney Park Hopper passes, high quality handcrafted jewelry, free registration to the 2016 conference, and more!

In 2016, this outstanding fundraising event will take place November 9-12 at the GPA’s Annual Conference in Atlanta. The auction is full of fantastic gifts donated by generous GPA chapters, dedicated GPA members, and friends of GPF.

We’re putting out a call for donations to the auction and volunteers to help at the event. Ready to donate or volunteer?

Please visit: http://bit.ly/GPFSA16 to tell us about your item today or you may contact us anytime at GPFSilentAuction@gmail.com.

Remember, when you donate or bid on an item, you support funds that keep the members of your profession in the know through scholarships for GPA members, conference registrations, and GPC exams. And, your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Pajama Work: Don’t Give Up About Giving Back

By Kimberly Hays de Muga – Director of Development, Fraser Center

Board Chair, Grant Professionals Foundation


Oversized tees, sweatpants, tunics, sweatshirts, leggings, sweatpants—we’re in the throes of an increasingly comfort based, casually dressed society.  All hail “Athleisure!” Gone are the power suits, power ties, buttoned-up button downs, creases, and pleats from the 80s. (I was, of course a child prodigy in my non-profit career then, and could only observe these inexplicable fashions from afar :-))


Besides common sense and the joy of being comfortable, part of this trend comes from telecommuting.  According to the August 2015 Gallup’s annual Work and Education poll 37% of U.S. workers say they have telecommuted, up from 30% last decade but four times greater than the 9% found in 1995. Enormous strides in IT and telecommunications makes working from home so much easier and more efficient. Many employers seem willing to sanction working remotely, and most consultants often work from home.


So if working from home may work for many of us, why not consider volunteering from home?  Become a GPF Board Member or Committee Member and “tele-volunteer” your way to new friends, new skills while supporting the growth and recognition of the grants profession. And you can do your health a favor in the bargain. Researchers at the London School of Economics found the more people volunteered, the happier they were. According to a study in Social Science and Medicine, the odds of being “very happy” increased 12% for people who volunteer every two to four weeks compared to those who never volunteered. (http://www.health.harvard.edu/special-health-reports/simple-changes-big-rewards-a-practical-easy-guide-for-healthy-happy-living)


Don’t let your favorite loungewear keep you from stretching outside your comfort zone to take on a volunteer service role. As the Chair of the Grant Professionals Foundation, I’ve seen firsthand that the busiest GPA members often step up effortlessly when asked to take on a different role or committee task. How do they do it? Current GPF Scholarship Committee Member and former GPA Board Member Johna Rodgers said it best when she agreed to lead the management and distribution of GPA scholarship applications (https://grantprofessionalsfoundation.org/available-scholarships/).  “I need work I can do in my pajamas, on the weekend,” said the super-busy consultant and long-time GPA/GPCI board member and volunteer.


The GPF Board meets face to face, once a year, during the GPA Annual Conference. Yet together we connect with GPA members and supporters like you to provide scholarships for regional conferences, membership, GPA annual conference registration and the Grant Professional Certified Exam (GPC). But while we’re all conference calling, emailing and texting in our PJs or tailored suits, we’re volunteering, networking, getting our names known and more importantly, helping to advance the grants profession. GPF Board and Committee service also earns points toward maintaining your GPC.


GPF Board Member terms begin in January and are for three years with the option to extend to a second term.  In my five and a half years on the GPF board, I’ve made some fantastic friends and learned so much from them. Leadership, the fine art of delegation, recruitment, administration and collaboration are just a few of the skills I’ve developed or honed while helping forward the grants profession. Maybe three years, even in pajamas, is more than you can commit to right now.  Consider service on one of GPF’s committees; meetings are online or by conference call.  Committees include:  Silent Auction, Scholarship, Marketing, Every Chapter Challenge and Individual Giving.  Contact info@grantprofessionalsfoundation.org for more information.


So get comfortable, and get ready to make a difference for the grants profession today!

Before the Exam

By Bethany Turner – Grant Writer, Big Sandy Community & Technical College

GPC Scholar


When I first learned about the Grant Professional Certification (GPC) exam, I knew I wanted to become a GPC. I understood the importance of the certification to my career and our profession. I’m an achiever by nature and by nurture. If there is some credential to obtain or a way to set myself apart, I want to do it. There are not many degree options specific to the nonprofit sector, and there are none specifically relating to grantsmanship. The GPC is the only way to set yourself up as an authority and expert in the field.


At the time, I was not eligible to sit for the exam. As soon as I reached the three-year mark as a grant professional, I started thinking more and more about taking the exam, but the cost of the exam kept standing in my way. So when members of the #GrantChat community tweeted the link to the scholarship application, I jumped on the opportunity to apply. The application was not difficult. It takes just a little time and thoughtfulness. In September 2015, I submitted my application. During the Grant Professional Association Conference in November, they announced the winners. I was ecstatic and so thankful to learn I had been awarded the scholarship!


Earning the scholarship has relieved the stress of figuring out how to pay for the GPC exam. It means taking the exam will not be a financial burden to my family. It is giving me the motivation to study hard for the exam, learning and growing as a grant professional. The scholarship means I am now able to take the next step to further my career. It also means I can better help others because I am becoming a better grant professional.


Thank you to all who support the Grant Professional Foundation. Without you, I would not be sitting for the GPC exam later this year.



Bio: Bethany Turner knew she wanted to work in the nonprofit sector from a young age. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Studies at Ball State University, she started her grant profession as an AmeriCorps VISTA and fell in love with the profession. Bethany is the Grant Coordinator for Muncie Civic Theatre, the Grant Writer with Big Sandy Community and Technical College, and a consultant. She loves reading, traveling (everywhere and anywhere), and cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes and Denver Broncos.